Stylish Elegant Abstract Art

that lights up the soul & invigorates    your space

Art has opened my heart and mind to new paths and an understanding and viewing of the world we live in.
As children we are all artists; free, open, passionate, creative, fun and have no fear of mistakes.


We take risks and see the world with open eyes. I believe we are born to explore, have fun, be creative and try new things. That life is an adventure we create for ourselves.



As we grow up, we become careful of change and new things and people due to experiences, outside circumstances and influences.
Being creative opens your body, mind and soul. That is why art is my passion!

My mission is to enrich the world with art, color and connect you to your space with a painting and give you a unique and individual piece.


Secure your own individual piece of art that will inspire you! 



Or you can join a workshop, where you can learn how to create.


Let art wash away the dust from your soul and discover what is burried inside you.

Love yourself and enjoy who you are and create the abundant life that you deserve and love to live. 


Enjoy art and let it help you unfold who YOU really are!

I'm so happy and grateful for each happy client. It fills my heart with joy, that I could enrich your life with art. Thank you!

what people say...

I saw a painting from Kristina that I instantly loved and asked her for a commissioned triptych for my office.

I was blown away how she captured the piece and my prefered size to fit perfectly into my office space.


Thank you Kristina.


- Alfredo B.

At a Christmas market where Kristina was showing her paintings this blue painting immediately captured my eyes and it reminded me of a vacation we had in Greece, my boyfriend and I.

The painting is now hanging in our apartment. I just love looking at it.


- Vanessa C.

Bei meinem Bruder am Geburtstag, habe ich mit Kristina über ein Bild gesprochen, das ich gerne hätte. Es war in meinem Kopf und ein ähnliches habe ich im Netz gefunden. Kristina vergewisserte mir, das sie ein schönes Bild für mich kreieren kann. Sie schickte mir eine Offerte und ich ihr die gewünschten Masse, Farben und wo das Bild hängen wird. Mit meiner Vorlage und nach meinen Wünschen, hat mir Kristina ein tolles Bild gemalen. Ich liebe es! 


Danke Kristina!


- Marcel U.